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A Bird in the Tree

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Albert Schweitzer Story.
Life Lesson #62 – Think Before You Act.


It was recess time, and Amy and Carley enjoyed picking some little wild flowers to make a bouquet for their teacher. That’s when they noticed a mother bird had built a nest to lay her eggs. When the girls ran to tell Mrs. Brown, she said they probably shouldn’t play very near that tree for a while. They could frighten the mother bird, and she might fly off. Without her there to keep her eggs warm, they would never hatch. “Yes ma’am,” they said as they ran to the swing which was close enough to watch the nest without bothering the mother bird.

Amy and Carley couldn’t wait until recess each day so they could swing and watch the mother bird sitting on her eggs. But one day, as the girls were swinging, they saw a boy from another class who had also discovered the bird’s nest. He had a stick in his hand, and he was jabbing at the nest. The mother bird had flown to a much higher branch, she and was chirping very loudly at the boy. Amy started yelling at the boy and begging him to stop while Carley ran for Mrs. Brown. The boy laughed at Amy. “It’s just some old birds,” he said. Well, immediately, Mrs. Brown was there and sternly told the boy to stop! She reminded him about how she always tells her students about being kind to other people, but this time she said, “And that applies to animals, too!”

Well, the boy had seen his older brother being mean to animals, so he thought it was okay. But now, he began to realize that it really is wrong to hurt animals just like it is wrong to hurt people. And so starting that very day, he decided never again to hurt people or animals. Instead, he decided to HELP. He chose that day to become a HERO instead!

– Jim Lord