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A Full Circle

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero – The Clarence Thomas Story.
Life Lesson #25 – Learn About Cause and Effect.


Thirty five years ago, there was a boy named Lewis Thomason, and one day, Lewis’ class was on a field trip to the symphony house. The orchestra was not playing at the time, but some of the musicians were there. Lewis absolutely loved everything about the symphony, but some of the other boys in the class did not. One of those boys who had always given Lewis a hard time, was just waiting for a chance to make Lewis’ day miserable. At lunchtime, Lewis had a sandwich, some fruit, and a grape soda in a can. When Lewis wasn’t looking, the boy quickly shook up the grape soda, so that when Lewis opened it, it spewed everywhere. The boy just quietly laughed to himself and nobody saw him do it. The rest of the year, he was Lewis’ worst nightmare, and he was just shallow-minded enough to be proud of himself for that.

Well, as it sometimes happens, that boy went on giving Lewis Thomason a difficult time, and then someone else, and someone else, all the way through school until he finally dropped out. He got a job, then another job, and another job, and another, and another, and another. He was always picking on someone and getting fired.

One day he went just a little too far and found himself in jail on some pretty serious charges. In all those years of getting in trouble, he had just never learned his lesson until today when the bailiff in the courtroom said, “All rise, for the Honorable Judge Lewis Thomason.”

Just think, if that boy while he was still young, had chosen to HELP others instead of hurting them—if he had chosen to become a HERO—today, he could be called “honorable,” too, just like Lewis.

– Jim Lord