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The Amelia Earhart Story

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Neil Armstrong Story.
Life Lesson #83 – Experience Life.


Once, in the very early 1900s, there was a little girl named Amelia, but everyone called her Meely. She and her younger sister were very adventurous. They also loved horses, and they loved reading. Almost every night they would read aloud to each other.

When Meely Amelia got old enough, she started working at a hospital in Canada. That’s when she met some pilots who had just come back from flying their airplanes in World War I, and she got her first airplane ride. She knew right then that she, too, would become a pilot.

Meely, or Amelia as they called her by then, wanted to show the world that women could also do things that everyone thought only men could do. She did learn to fly, and she had the courage to set goals and do many great things. For example, Amelia became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. She had many other record-breaking flights, too.

Amelia was now very famous, and people paid her to write about her adventures and lecture about them. Her last big adventure started in the spring of 1937. She wanted to be the first person to fly around the world at the equator. And even though she did not make it quite all the way, because of her courage, she became an inspiration to people everywhere. And for that, Amelia Earhart became a HERO.

– Jim Lord