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Betsy’s New Clothes

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Betsy Ross Story.
Life Lesson #86 – Notice the Big Picture.


On Monday, Betsy had some brand new clothes to wear to school, and she was feeling pretty good about herself. Like every day, she headed down the hallway to the auditorium where everyone was meeting. Then it happened. Some tall boy looked at her and said, “You’re uuuugly.” Betsy kept walking, but her whole attitude had just been ruined by a boy she had never seen before. What Betsy didn’t know is that another girl who the boy really liked was standing near him. “Why did you do that,” she asked? “Do what?” the boy answered.
“Why did you tell that pretty girl she was ugly?”
“Her? I don’t even know her? Who cares anyway?” the boy said.
“Well, I care!” The girl walked away and left him thinking about what he had done. “HEROES HELP others—they don’t hurt others,” she said. Well, that got the boy’s attention, and a few minutes later, Betsy came walking back around the corner in the hallway. This time it was pretty obvious she had been crying. The boy was actually embarrassed to say anything to her so he just let her go by.

That afternoon he made the effort to find out what her name was. He also learned that Betsy liked chocolate. So the following day he waited for her in the hallway. When she came around the corner, he called her name and said, “You probably hate me, but I wanted you to have this.”

He gave her a note wrapped around a chocolate bar, and then he disappeared around the corner. Betsy opened the note.

“I was being kind of a jerk on Monday,” the note said, “and I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry.” Well, the rest of that day was all smiles for Betsy. She forgave him, and he—well he learned a little bit that day about becoming a HERO!

– Jim Lord