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Heroes Help Themselves

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Danny Thomas Story.
Life Lesson #60 – Volunteer.

Mr. Delaney was Bay Chandler’s favorite teacher ever! He was the kind of teacher who was always so excited about what he was teaching that his students couldn’t HELP being excited about coming to class and learning. Bay, whose real name was Bailey, had heard Mr. Delaney say repeatedly that he wanted everyone in his class to become a HERO. He always said, “HEROES HELP people, They don’t hurt people. We’re all about HEROES in this class, and we just don’t even allow hurtful attitudes in here!”

But then one day he said, “HEROES HELP THEMSELVES.” Bay was confused. She didn’t know what that meant so after class, she asked him. Mr. Delaney said, “Not today, Miss Bailey. Tomorrow! We’ll talk about it tomorrow,” he said.

Well, the next day, Mr. Delaney did explain. He said being a kid is just practice time for being a grown-up, and now is the time to start HELPING what he called “the future you.” He said that many adults out there are happy and successful while others are unhappy and unsuccessful.

“One good reason for that,” he said, “is that some worked hard and made good choices when they were kids, and some did not. Some were HELPFUL to themselves, and some were HURTFUL to themselves.”

Well, Bay decided right then that very day to start learning the difference between good choices and bad choices. Bay had already been a HERO to others. Today, however, she became a HERO to herself!

– Jim Lord