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Jeremy’s Big Choice

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Louis Pasteur Story.
Life Lesson #33 – Don’t Limit Your Options


For as long as Jeremy could remember, no one had been behind the back fence where the canal came through, even though there was a gate—except once, when his dad was back there, but Jeremy couldn’t remember why. His dad always said not to go back there because it was just too dangerous.

Then one day, Jeremy had some friends over to play volleyball in the back yard. Well, wouldn’t you know, not more than five minutes into the game, the ball went right over the back fence and into the canal. Jeremy said, “Sorry guys, maybe my dad can get the ball when he comes home.” That’s when Jeremy’s friends started teasing him. One boy said, “What’s wrong, Dude, you’re not man enough to do it yourself?!” Another one said, “Just go get the ball, your dad will never know.” Still others were laughing at him for being afraid.

Really, Jeremy was not afraid, and he almost gave in, but then he remembered the stories his parents had told him about a boy who was killed in that same ditch about five houses down, when Jeremy was three. He imagined how much it would hurt his parents if anything like that happened to him, or even if they learned that he had put himself in danger by disobeying them. Jeremy told his friends, “No way guys, I’m not going—you can think what you want, you can say what you want, but it’s just not gonna happen.” Then, he just kind of quietly smiled to himself—he felt really good about the choice he had made—and with good reason, too!

– Jim Lord