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Life Lesson #14: Have a Greater Life

See Also:
Life Lesson #100 – Raise Your Expectations
Life Lesson #90 – Open Your Eyes and See Your Future
Life Lesson #51 – Become an Expert
The Robert Ballard Story


Did you ever stop to notice that almost all parents want their kids to have greater lives than they themselves had? It’s true. The second President of the United States, John Adams said that he studied politics and war so that his sons could study mathematics, geography, commerce, and agriculture, so that their sons could study art! Yes, each generation studying to provide a way for the next generation to have a greater life.

So what are YOU doing to help your parents give you a greater life than they had. And what are you doing to pass that same opportunity on to your own children…to give them a greater life than you have and will have?

John Adams understood that education is the foundation. Are you using education to provide yourself with a greater life than that of your parents? Are you using education to help provide your children a greater life than yours? It’s certainly worth thinking about.

– Jim Lord