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Life Lesson #21: Stop Bullying!

See Also:
Life Lesson #54 – The Golden Rule
Life Lesson #41 – Make Love Visible
Life Lesson #91 – Learn to Deal with Bullies
The John Schneider Story


As we grow older, we begin to realize the reality of a matter is often very different from the way we viewed it in our youth. It happens in every area of life, whether it be in relationships, health, money, or whatever. Maturity brings into clearer focus… everything.

One thing that you will begin to understand with time is the effects our actions have on other people. Have you ever noticed the relationship between a bully and a target of bullying? Well, they are both very insecure people.

The bully’s personality, or environment, or gene-pool make up makes him or her react to that personal insecurity by lashing out in anger or having the need to put someone else down to make himself or herself feel better, when all along that personal insecurity has little or nothing to do with others rather, it has everything to do with a lack of personal vision and a lack of meaningful accomplishment!

The target of bullying usually suffers from exactly the same cause but just reacts with fear. The problem is that often, way too often, the teasing, the name calling, the ostracizing can absolutely destroy a person’s emotional makeup…for the rest of their lives.

If you are the bullying type, look ahead into your personal future and ask yourself if you really want to be a part of causing lifelong problems for someone else. Wouldn’t it make more sense to overcome your own personal insecurity by accomplishing something really worthwhile and lasting for your life?

– Jim Lord