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Life Lesson #50: Be Enthusiastic!

See Also:
Life Lesson #23 – Determine Yourself to a Higher Plain
Life Lesson #14 – Have a Greater Life
Life Lesson #76 – Be Passionate, Courageous, and Willing
The Reba McEntire Story


When you think about the people you know, who comes to mind first in a positive way? What makes some people stand out from others in the vast sea of human diversity? Is it what they do, or who they are?

No—it’s enthusiasm! It’s how excited they are about their lot in life—about their existence!

I have an older friend who contracted polio when he was a child. For literally decades now he has been paralyzed, living flat on his back. But, when I think of my friend, my first though is not about his affliction—it’s about his enthusiasm! Enthusiasm for his friends, his accomplishments, his business, and his opportunities!

Enthusiasm for what you’re doing and who you are will always bring favorable recognition from those around you!

– Jim Lord