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Life Lesson #54: Practice the Golden Rule

See Also:
Life Lesson #61 – Be Respectable
Life Lesson #41 – Make Love Visible
Life Lesson #5 – Exercise Your Greatest Power
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Story


It would seem that people in our society generally accept the proverbial Golden Rule—”Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” Unfortunately the meaning of this often quoted phrase tends to get lost in a fog of familiarity.

Sometime when you’re not in a hurry, take time to imagine what it would be like if everyone in every aspect of society truly embraced such a simple philosophy.

We readily agree as individuals that we’d love to experience all the good that would come our way if everyone else faithfully lived by this ancient proverb. But maybe we feel just insignificant enough to doubt that our personal efforts along these lines could really make a difference. I challenge you to try! Good rarely goes unnoticed and it’s often contagious. Yes, you can be a part of the effort that really does make a difference!

– Jim Lord