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Life Lesson #64: Maintain Your Health

See Also:
Life Lesson #100 – Raise Your Expectations
Life Lesson #53 – Discipline Yourself
Life Lesson #33 – Don’t Limit Your Options
The Rene Laennec Story


To say the human body is an incredible machine is certainly an understatement. While on the one hand, it is only one breath or one heartbeat away from death, it can also take a considerable amount of abuse and be very forgiving. However, year after year of habitual mistreatment will eventually take its toll. Volumes of books have been written concerning ever increasing knowledge on this subject.

Listen, sickness can rob you of your dreams. Sickness is expensive, and although most health problems won’t totally stop you, they can become chronic, thereby permanently limiting your ability to be productive.

And something else—many health problems that people experience can be completely avoided with a few common sense rules. So make the opportunity to learn about and practice good health rules. It can avoid a lot of regret.

– Jim Lord