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Life Lesson #8: Save Money

See Also:
Life Lesson #20 – Money Can’t Buy Happiness
Life Lesson #28 – Learn to Earn
Life Lesson #55 – Plan Financially for Your Future
The Walt Disney Story


Let’s talk money. You know, a lot of young people get themselves into a financial trap without even realizing it. It is so easy to look at look at money as just a means to provide fun things. The problem is that bad habits start to form, and the trap begins to close behind you. Your future will have many financial responsibilities, and without proper financial planning and budgeting, you will one day find yourself chasing down debts or being chased by them! It will become a way of life for years to come!

One way to begin securing your financial future is to start now saving at least ten percent of the money you earn—without exception. In years to come, maturity and wisdom will begin to cross paths with opportunity, and you will thank yourself immensely!

– Jim Lord