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The Rosa Parks Story

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Martin Luther King, Jr. Story.
Life Lesson #21 – Stop Bullying!


Once there was a little boy named Sylvester McCauley who was picked on a lot just because his skin was a different color from the bullies who picked on him. Those bullies didn’t stand a chance against his big sister, though, and she often came to his rescue. Her name was Rosa. Rosa was born in 1913, and she, along with her brother and their parents lived in Alabama.

When she was nineteen years old, Rosa got married to a man named Raymond Parks, and she became Rosa Parks.

Through the years, she saw a lot of terrible things that people did to each other just because of the color of their skin. There was even a law that on buses, white people had to sit in the front, and black people had to sit in the back. Then if the bus was full, and some more white people got on, some black people had to stand up and give up their seats. Well, one day in 1955, that very thing happened once again while Rosa was riding the bus. She thought that was just simply wrong. So she decided right then and there to do her part in doing something about it. This time she did not stand up! She just sat there until she was arrested and taken to jail.

Finally some attention was given to the very unfair laws that encouraged people to treat one another so badly based on the color of their skin. A lot of other laws were also changed. Even the way people thought of each other began to change. And it all started with one person, a little girl named Rosa who grew up to be Rosa Parks the HERO.

– Jim Lord