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The Abigail Adams Story

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Barbara Bush Story.
Life Lesson #60 – Volunteer.

Abigail Smith loved writing letters to other people. When she started, she was very young, so her words were not always spelled correctly, but people really enjoyed getting letters from Abigail, and they were glad that she cared enough to write to them. When Abigail Smith grew up, she married a young lawyer named John Adams, and she became Abigail Adams.

John had a farm where he and Abigail and their children lived for several years, then the family moved to Boston. A while later, war broke out between the American colonies and England. Abigail and her children moved back to the farm where they could be safer and help Colonial soldiers who passed through by cooking for them and caring for those who had been hurt in battle.

Once the war was over, John Adams was elected to be the first Vice-President of the United States, serving with George Washington. Later, John was elected President, and Abigail became the First Lady of the land.

Later on, her oldest son, John Quincy Adams became the sixth President of the United States, so she was not only the wife of a President, but also, the mother of a President. Through all of her experiences with the farm, the war, the soldiers, being a President’s wife, and a President’s mother, Abigail wrote hundreds of wonderful letters, because she cared enough to share what she saw, what she heard, and how she felt about all that was going on around her. Today we have important information about those days nearly 250 years ago, and Abigail Adams was certainly a part of HELPING to record the events from that time in our country’s history.