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The Benjamin Franklin Story

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Thomas Jefferson Story.
Life Lesson #46 – Become Truly Broad Minded.


When you think about real HEROES, you can’t help thinking about people like Benjamin Franklin who did so many wonderful things to help America. For example, he thought that people should have a place to read books and check out books, so he made the very first public library. He also started the first fire department and he made the first bifocal glasses, helping people with bad vision to see better. He did a lot of other things to help people, too.

But just like with all other great HEROES, it all started when Benjamin Franklin was just a boy. He always looked for ways to make things better, ways to help people. The Franklin family was very poor when Benjamin was young, but that just made him want to work even harder. He knew that if he were ever really able to help other people, he would have to begin by helping his own family. Benjamin was still very young when he helped his father make soap and candles. It was his job to cut the wicks, pouring the wax into molds, and run errands for his father. Later, he helped his big brother in a print shop.

Young Benjamin also worked very hard on his handwriting, and he became an excellent reader because he knew how important that was.

Because Benjamin Franklin worked hard and made good choices, he became very wealthy, so he was then able to help other people even more.

– Jim Lord