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The Cafeteria Kicker

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Daisy Low Story.
Life Lesson #62 – Think Before You Act.


As Mrs. Hanna’s class lined up for lunch, Davian couldn’t wait to open the sandwich his mom had packed for him that morning. Yes, it was peanut butter and jelly, which was his favorite anyway, but the jelly this time was strawberry preserves. This was going to be great, he thought! And it got even better when he discovered there were two of them! The only problem was that after he finished the first one, he was full, and didn’t have room for the second one.

That’s when the boy across from him asked Davian if he could have it. Davian said, “I’d be happy to give it to you, but it’s against the rules.” And he was right, it was against the rules to share food at school. But then the boy just got mad and started kicking Davian under the table! Davian yelled because it hurt, then he got in trouble for yelling, while the other boy laughed because Davian got in trouble!

The whole incident, as it unfolded, was just ridiculous! Until…Mrs. Rutherford, the teacher on duty learned what had really happened. Then it was off to the office with the other boy, who, by this time, was no longer laughing. The principal had a few things to say to him, too. She HELPED him to see, first of all, that school rules were there to HELP protect all students, and that the rules were not made to hurt anyone. She also HELPED him to see that he was choosing to hurt Davian when he didn’t get what he wanted. “If you could start choosing to keep rules instead of breaking them,” she said, “and if you would choose to HELP people, instead of hurting them, you would start getting respect from people, instead of getting into trouble. Think about that.”

And you know what? He did. Oh, it took a couple of days to figure it all out, but soon he decided to become a HERO, who HELPS others, instead of a person who hurts others.

– Jim Lord