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The Chair Incident

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The John Schneider Story.
Life Lesson #18 – Effort is Greater Than Ability.


Ryan’s class was just getting in from lunch, and all the students were returning to their desks. Just then, the boy behind Ryan quickly moved Ryan’s chair as he started to sit down. Of course, Ryan fell to the floor, and the other boy just kept walking. To his surprise, however, Mrs. Ledford had just entered the room and saw the whole thing. She first asked if Ryan was okay, and he was, although a little embarrassed. Then the teacher addressed the other boy. She asked simply, “Why in the world would you do that?” The boy couldn’t think of a good answer, so she just sent him to the office.

The next day when Ryan came to school, the other boy was back. To everyone’s surprise, Ryan went to the boy and said, “Hey man, I just got a new video game, and my mom says you can come over this afternoon if you want.” Well, the other boy couldn’t believe what he had just heard! At first, he wanted to say something cruel to Ryan, but he also couldn’t resist such an invitation. When he got to Ryan’s house, Ryan’s mother was nice to him. Later, Ryan’s father came home and he was pretty cool, too. And by the end of the visit, the two boys were becoming friends. You see, the people at Ryan’s house were a lot nicer than the people at his own house. He began to see that people who HELPED each other were a lot happier than people who hurt each other. He began to see that being a HERO was a whole lot better.

– Jim Lord