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The Coat Incident

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Richard Branson Story.
Life Lesson #42 – Just Do It!


Jamie was at a friend’s house one day after school when his friend’s mother gave her son a brand new coat that she had bought earlier in the day. Immediately, Jamie’s friend became angry and said some horrible things to his mother. It wasn’t like a cool coat he saw a kid at school wearing, so he didn’t want it. Jamie was watching as the boy’s mother had tears come to her eyes.

Then, Jamie followed his friend as he went to pout in his room like some spoiled little baby. Jamie closed the door and said, “Dude, what was that?!!”

“It’s not the one I want,” said his friend. “Not the one you want?” said Jamie. “Okay, let me see if I understand this. Your mom knew you needed a coat. She took time out of her day, spent her money, and felt really good that she could do that for you. Did I miss something? Did you see her crying in there? Man, what kind of son are you?!”

Jamie’s friend was starting to feel pretty rotten by now. But Jamie didn’t stop there. “It’s a thing, dude, the coat is just a thing. It’s not nearly as important as your relationship with your mom. You need to carry yourself in there right now and apologize. Then start looking for ways to HELP her instead of hurting her! Comprende?”

Well, believe it or not, Jamie’s friend did begin to understand. He did apologize. He also started to realize how much she did for him, and he started HELPING her every way he could. He started right then becoming her HERO instead of hurting her. Oh, and the coat? Yes, the coat. He wore it proudly every day for the rest of the year!

– Jim Lord