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The George Washington Carver Story

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Louis Pasteur Story.
Life Lesson #27 – Use Your Resources.


Milk, butter, cheese, candy, coffee, pickles, flour, soap, paper… No, that’s not somebody’s grocery list. Those are just a few of the 300 different things one amazing man learned to make from a plain old peanut that most people would just pop into their mouths and never give much thought to. But George Washington Carver gave everything a lot of thought, and he seemed to be able to make something out of anything!

When he was a baby, though, he was not healthy. As George grew, he could not work in the fields like his older brother because he was too small and not very strong. So he stayed at the house of the lady his mother had worked for and helped out there. He became an excellent gardener, and he learned a great deal about raising plants and beautiful flowers. The more this little boy learned about things, the more he wanted to learn! But George was ten years old before there was a school for him to attend.

Later in high school and in college, George worked hard doing different jobs for people to help provide his own food, clothes, and school books. When he finally grew up and became a famous scientist, he gave away a lot of the money he earned to help other young people get an education. Helping others is what he lived for, and for that, George Washington Carver became a real HERO.

– Jim Lord