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The Science Nerd

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Benjamin Franklin Story.
Life Lesson #39 – Never Stop Learning.


Rocky had a lot of curiosity. He wondered about everything, and he always had. Sometimes he even took toys apart so he could figure out how to put them back together. Rocky loved going to the library, too. He looked for books about airplanes, animals, electricity, the ocean, rocks, and fossils. He also asked a lot of questions in class.

Well, some of the other kids just got tired of it. It didn’t matter to them how a telephone worked, as long as it did so they could call their friends. They didn’t want to hear any more about mice or tornadoes or how money is printed. Somebody thought it would be funny to start teasing Rocky and call him Doctor Rocky. That spread around, and Rocky finally got the message. Of course, his feelings were hurt. He wanted to have friends, and he couldn’t imagine why they weren’t as interested and curious as he was.

Rocky had a very nice teacher named Mrs. Herrington. She began to notice what was going on and how it was making Rocky sad and even quiet in class. She talked to her class once again about how to become HEROES by HELPING others, instead of hurting them. “Hurting others never comes to any good,” she said. “Some of you are doing that very thing to Rocky.” Rocky loves to learn how things work and why things happen. He may very well become a famous HERO someday by inventing or discovering something wonderful and new. He may become like Alexander Graham Bell or Benjamin Franklin. Don’t ever stop asking questions, Rocky. That is the only way we can find answers.”

Well, the others told Rocky they were sorry for what they had said, and they told Mrs. Herrington they wanted to become HEROES like Rocky.

– Jim Lord