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The Lasagna Dinner

See Also:
The Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero:The Admiral Richard Byrd Story.
Life Lesson #71 – Don’t Be a Know-It-All.


(Bully Alert No. 131)

Minette and her mom spent a lot of time in the kitchen, and Minette was learning to be a really good cook. One Friday night, she decided to invite several friends for a sleep-over and a dinner that she cooked herself. They were going to have lasagna, and so right after school, Minette hurried home and her mom HELPED her get the kitchen ready so she could begin cooking. At about six-o’clock, everyone’s parents starting dropping off Minette’s friends. At six-thirty, they were all served a big, wonderful meal. During the meal, several of the girls were talking about how good it was, and they were really enjoying it. That’s when one of the girls spoke up and said, “This isn’t real lasagna, Minette. You’d know what real lasagna is, if you’d ever been to Italy, like I have.”

Minette was just crushed, and ran to her room crying. Her mother followed her, and said, “Sweetheart, you need to just ignore that. It’s true, your friend is acting very selfishly, but I don’t think she intended to hurt you. She is just so focused on herself that it seems that way. You have started a wonderful evening with your friends, and now you have a choice. You can either do like your one friend there, and start focusing on yourself, or you can continue to be the HERO that I know you are, and HELP all of your friends to have a great weekend.” Well, Minette did choose to continue HELPING, and indeed everyone had their best weekend ever.

– Jim Lord