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Scary Stories

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Bob Hope Story.
Life Lesson #59 – Be an Encourager.


Michael was in the 6th grade, and his younger brother was a second grader. Every chance Michael got, he and his friends delighted in telling his brother scary stories to frighten him. The more he cried, the more the older boys enjoyed it. Then Michael’s little brother started having nightmares about some of the stories he was being told. That’s when Michael’s mother and father learned what had been going on. They became very upset with Michael and his friends.

“What if someone were telling you stories like you’ve been telling your little brother?” asked Michael’s father. “I wouldn’t believe them,” said Michael.

“Well, what if you were a second grader? Or better yet, what if I began telling you about something terrifying that was about to happen, and you had no idea that I was just making it up —how would you feel?”

Michael and his friends had to stop and think a moment about that. But they still were not quite getting it, so his dad continued. “Creating fear in someone is called terrorism,” he said. “You hear a lot about terrorism and terrorists in the news. Those are people who try to frighten entire nations! But, guys, it is the same thing you’re doing to Michael’s little brother, and you think it’s so funny. But it’s really not funny at all!”

Well, the boys understood clearly now. They not only apologized to Michael’s mom and dad but to his little brother as well. They continued to tell stories, but now their stories were just funny and even HELPFUL as they tried to put a smile on little brother’s face instead of making him cry. They were becoming HELPFUL instead of hurtful. They were becoming HEROES.

– Jim Lord