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Life Lesson #40: Drive Yourself

See Also:
Life Lesson #89 – Make Things Happen
Life Lesson #63 – Do What You Must Do
Life Lesson #53 – Discipline Yourself
The Jacques Cousteau Story


Somebody once said that if you eat a live frog the first thing each morning, it will be the worst thing you’ll have to face all day long! Okay, I know it’s a strange example, but the principle really does work. If you tackle your most unpleasant job first, you will no longer have it hanging over you. You see, an expense of energy from within is required to set us in motion, but once we are in motion, less energy is required to maintain that motion—kind of a mental and emotional law of inertia.

But, sometimes the enthusiasm that triggers the energy we need just isn’t there. That’s where drive comes into play. Drive is what we use to make ourselves do what we need to do when we really don’t want to do it.

So, the next time some dreaded task comes your way, use drive to get yourself going, and start accomplishing some really worthwhile things in your life! It does work!

– Jim Lord