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Dear Principal,

As you know, the BUDGET CRISIS in Education is unprecedented!

BULLYING has become the state’s (and nation’s) number one social concern in our schools!

In an effort to assist in both areas of concern, the Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis District, has joined in partnership with The Character Network™ to offer a proven effective, proactive BULLY-PREVENTION PROGRAM for your school FREE OF CHARGE with only your simple agreement to use it.


This program is amazingly EASY to use…

It does not take precious time away from classroom instruction.
In fact, this program requires only 4 minutes a week!

For elementary schools, the program consists of two pre-recorded and professionally produced sets of two-minute stories to be played twice per week on the school intercom during morning announcements (or in regularly scheduled school assemblies). AND…you will receive all new CD sets with all new stories for the 2013 – 2014 school year!

One set of stories is entitled Bully Alert!™ while the other is called The Beginning of a Hero.™

Click here to listen to samples!
Simply play a story from each disc one day per week throughout the school year for all students and teachers to hear. (Typically, stories are played on Tuesday and Thursday mornings during morning announcements.)

You can explore ALL stories by clicking Bully Alert!™ and The Beginning of a Hero

The lessons of these stories will soon become a campus-wide expectation… again, in only 4 MINUTES A WEEK! Responses have consistently shown that the academic language of the program will become internalized by your students in a very short period of time! With everyone then having the COMMON LANGUAGE this program produces, it becomes easy for administrators and teachers to simply back it up in teachable moments: “A bully is a person who hurts others on purpose (even if it’s just hurting their feelings) but a HERO is a person who HELPS others…so choose to become a hero who helps, instead of a bully who hurts!”

See what other educators are saying about the RESULTS they’re finding by using this program. View video testimonials here.

To learn more about this program and how it can dramatically impact the culture of your campus, please view the short introductory video.
To sign up for this FREE program:

1. Simply download the “Sponsorship Agreement Form.”

2. Then, print, complete, sign, and:
· Contact your local Kiwanis Club, OR
· Fax to: 903-586-4418 OR
· Scan the form and email it to:

But please hurry…this limited-time opportunity is on a FIRST COME BASIS. (This offer provides a renewable school-year specific site license for public broadcast.)

Again, see what other educators are saying about the RESULTS they are finding with their use of this program!
If you have ANY QUESTIONS please don’t hesitate to call toll free!


Your Local Texas – Oklahoma Kiwanis Club and
Jim Lord, Founder
The Character Network | P.O. Box 8484 | Jacksonville, Texas 75766
903-372-7692 (cell) | 903-586-4418 (fax) | 800-364-6883 (toll free) |


in partnership with

Bully Prevention / Positive Personal VISION
Live Assembly Programs are Available, too!