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Life Lesson #20: Money Can’t Buy Happiness

See Also:
Life Lesson #8 – Save Money
Life Lesson #41 – Make Love Visible
Life Lesson #85 – Learn to Live a Successful Life
The Bill Gates Story


I know you’ve heard it said that “money can’t buy happiness.” Well, no truer statement has ever been made. The late J. Paul Getty, one of the wealthiest men of his time is often quoted as having said that he would gladly give up all of his riches for one happy marriage.

But then one has to ask, “Is there happiness in poverty?” Can you genuinely be happy in barely eking out a living and then being too weary to enjoy the fruit of your labor?

So, what’s the answer?

Well, I think you’ll agree that the ability to make a good living will let you meet your obligations and responsibilities while allowing you the worry-free time to pursue those things which do provide happiness.

A solid education can do that for you, and that’s a far better thing than struggling for all your waking hours just to maintain the basic physical necessities.

– Jim Lord