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Jenny’s Cat

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Albert Schweitzer Story.
Life Lesson #62 – Think Before You Act.


One afternoon, there were two friends who couldn’t seem to decide what to do. Suddenly, one of them said, “Look at that old cat over there in Jennie’s yard. Did you know that cats hate to get wet?” The other boy thought for just a minute. “Really?” he asked. “I always thought cats were great swimmers.”

“Yeah, if they have to be,” the first boy said, “but they really hate being wet.” The boys went on to plan what they thought would be a funny sight. First they found a bucket and filled it with water. Then, slowly and quietly, they walked over to the next yard where the sleeping cat was still lying in the sun. Just as the bigger boy was starting to pour the water on the cat, Jenny came around the corner of the house. “Stop!” she yelled. The cat quickly jumped up and ran away with only a little water on its back. “Aw, Jenny, you spoiled the fun,” one of the boys said. “Fun? That was just plain mean!” Jenny was really angry. “We weren’t hurting anybody. It’s just an old cat,” the boys said, trying to excuse themselves. “Well, you were hurting me. I love my cat.”

By this time, Jenny was in tears and her mom came out of the house to see what in the world was going on. When she learned what had almost happened, she very kindly but firmly talked with the boys. “I know,” she said, “you have heard about people who hurt other people, and that it is HEROES who HELP other people—well, you see, that applies to animals, too. So, the next time you’re looking for something to do, think of something kind and HELPFUL to do for someone or some animal, then you can truly be HEROES instead.” The boys certainly learned an important lesson that day.

– Jim Lord