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Tevin Gives the Wrong Answer

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Barbara Jordan Story.
Life Lesson #84 – Develop a Love of Learning.


One day, Mrs. Green’s class was reviewing things they had learned that semester. Mrs. Green was holding up some giant flash cards with math problems on them, going around the room showing each student a card. One at a time, they were supposed to answer the problem as quickly as they could. Tevin got a little nervous when he knew it was his turn. 12x = 48 the card said. Tevin knew immediately the answer was 4, but he blurted out, “12.” He felt bad about saying the wrong answer, but he felt much worse when the boy who sits across from him started laughing.

“Okay,” said Mrs. Green. “I see it’s time now to do some reviewing about HELPING and hurting.” She turned to the boy who laughed at Tevin and said, “You were acting like anything but a HERO just now. Did you know that?”

“No way,” the boy said. Mrs. Green asked the boy if it would hurt his feelings for someone to laugh at him when he made a mistake. “Yes ma’am,” he said, as he just looked at the floor. Then Mrs. Green said, “Would anyone else have their feelings hurt if someone laughed at you?” Hands went up all over the room.

“And that’s NOT what HEROES do.” said Mrs. Green, “But what DO HEROES do?” she asked. “They HELP people,” said the class, and one girl said, “They make people smile!” Well, when the boy who had laughed at Tevin heard that, he began to realize that he really was being hurtful instead of HELPFUL. He told Mrs. Green and Tevin that he was sorry, and beginning that very day, he decided to always be a HERO and never again hurt others with his words or actions!

– Jim Lord