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Where is Juan’s Backpack?

See Also:
The Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The John Schneider Story.
Life Lesson #88 – There is NOT Nothing to Do!


Juan put several things inside his backpack before going to school: books, homework papers, and a special treat his Dad had given him to go with lunch. And several times throughout the morning, Juan thought about that special treat in his backpack.

Then Mrs. Anderson said it was time for lunch and to get anything they needed from their backpacks. But Juan couldn’t find his backpack, although he knew he had hung it right beside the supply shelf in the closet. He asked a friend to HELP him look, and he even asked Mrs. Anderson to HELP him look, but Juan’s backpack was simply not there.

Juan was not happy. But Mrs. Anderson said they had to go to lunch, and they could search for Juan’s backpack afterward.

As soon as they got back to the classroom, Mrs. Anderson talked to everyone very seriously about what had happened to Juan’s backpack. She even told them about the special treat he had brought for lunch. “I’m very sad,” she said, “that someone in our class has played this trick on Juan. It’s not funny, and whoever did it needs to stand strong and honest and admit it, not hide like a coward.” Well, slowly, two boys raised their hands. “Mrs. Anderson, we thought it would be a good joke, and we never thought about how it would make Juan feel.” Then the boys gave Juan his backpack. They realized what they had done was hurtful. They also knew the opposite of hurting is HELPING and that people who HELP others are called HEROES. And beginning that day, those boys decided to start HELPING people instead of hurting them!

– Jim Lord