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Life Lesson #46: Become Truly Broad Minded

See Also:
Life Lesson #86 – Notice the Big Picture
Life Lesson #79 – Grow Your Ideals
Life Lesson #33 – Don’t Limit Your Options
The Danny Thomas Story


Have you ever wondered about the people who wind up on a “dead end street” in life? How did many of them get there? Where did it start?

Well you see, many of the people who find themselves idling their way through life will claim “broad-mindedness,” meaning that they really have no opinions about anything important. Others claim they are “open-minded.”

But, being truly broad-minded means that you’re educated (at least to a reasonable degree) in a wide variety of subjects. And, contrary to the “anything-is-okay-with-me” attitude common among shallow thinking people, “open-mindedness” means in its true sense that additional information is welcomed to then be used in making logical decisions or forming well-advised opinions. Building regular study habits and asking thoughtful questions will help provide these abilities.

– Jim Lord