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Life Lesson #79: Grow Your Ideals

See Also:
Life Lesson #92 – Your Goals Must Be Realistic
Life Lesson #27 – Use Your Resources
Life Lesson #3 – Prepare Yourself for Real Life
The John Tesh Story


I’ve been wondering. Where have all the hippies gone (“long-time-passing,”and all that?) Where are all those “anti-establishment” people who were going to right all the wrongs in the world forty some-odd years ago? Well, they are the establishment now, and the things they protested are still here, too!

It’s natural for young people to have idealistic views about how the world should be run, and granted, a lot of them are very good ideas! But without education, experience, and maturity, all the ranting and raving will only annoy the people you’re trying to persuade.

So keep those ideals. Grow them. Test them. The time will come when you really can make a difference! But, you must first prepare yourself to become one whose views are respected. And respectability takes time to develop.

– Jim Lord