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Jennifer and the Cyber-Bully

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Rosa Parks Story.
Life Lesson #91 – Learn to Deal with Bullies.


Every Monday, Mr. Delaney started his class with a discussion period to let his students have an opportunity to say what’s on their minds. Last Monday, Jennifer raised her hand. When Mr. Delaney respectfully called on her, she said she was sad and a little scared for one of her friends who was being bullied on the computer. Somebody (and nobody knew who it was) had posted some horrible things about her friend—things that were totally untrue. And other kids were adding bad comments to it. Then Jennifer said, “What can I do to HELP my friend?”

Mr. Delaney thanked Jennifer for her comments and her question. He thanked her for caring about her friend. But he obviously looked sad and even a little angry as he said, “Computers are wonderful tools. It is so unfortunate that there are people who abuse computers and abuse the internet. Jennifer, you need to tell your friend not to respond at all to whoever is posting those messages. Instead, she needs to report what is happening first of all to her parents, and then she needs to tell her teacher, counselor, or principal, and the school security officer.

Cyber-bullies think they can’t be caught, but that’s simply not true. They CAN be caught, and ARE caught every day. When they are caught, the punishment is severe, because what they are doing is called “Slander” and “Libel.” Slander and libel are against the law, as are certain threats. And class, you know I am here to HELP you, but if I ever learn of your participation in cyber-bullying, I WILL turn you in to the authorities.” But Mr. Delaney didn’t leave it there, he went on to say, “It is HEROES, not bullies, who make the world a better place. Now is the time,” he said, “for you to make your choice, and the choice is really an easy one. It’s simply a matter of choosing to HELP others—instead of choosing to hurt.” And the class enthusiastically agreed with him!

– Jim Lord