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Life Lesson #35: Value Responsibility

See Also:
Life Lesson #61 – Be Respectable
Life Lesson #7 – Be On Time and Prepared
Life Lesson #2 – Making Choices is Important
The Fred Rogers Story


Which means more to you, your rights or your responsibilities? Which do you spend your time pursuing? Which are you motivated by?

Many people work hard at their jobs but are miserable in their work. They live for Friday when they can have a couple of days off to enjoy the rest and entertainment they feel they deserve. However, Monday morning always comes, and they dread it along with the responsibilities it brings. They live for their right to spend time away from responsibility.

On the other hand, there are people who thrive on accomplishment, small or great. They have happiness that comes from fulfilling responsibilities to family and community. And these people consider the things they can buy and the entertainment they can afford to be merely pleasant by-products of their labors. The real satisfaction comes from the job successfully completed, and that, my friend, is what really counts!

– Jim Lord