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Life Lesson #48: Seek Information

See Also:
Life Lesson #84 – Develop a Love of Learning
Life Lesson #27 – Use Your Resources
Life Lesson #13 – Education is Important
The John Tesh Story


I recently took a trip to Washington D.C., and while I was touring that majestic city, I saw something that I will surely never forget. Sitting all alone on the massive steps leading up to the Library of Congress was a homeless man. What an incredible irony! There at the doorstep of this overwhelming source of information was a man with all of his possessions on his back!

What a lesson to learn! How well do you use your educational resources? Do you take advantage of all that is available? Are you seeking all you can find?

At this point in his life, I’m not sure the Library of Congress could have done the homeless man much good even if he had chosen to go in. But we can learn the lesson. The resources are there—and they are there in great abundance!

– Jim Lord