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Life Lesson #77: Honesty Is The Best Policy

See Also:
Life Lesson #98 – Be Valuable, Not Important
Life Lesson #74 – Never Compromise Your Future
Life Lesson #66 – Credibility is Valuable
The Randy Pausch Story


I know you’ve heard the expression, “Honesty is the best policy.” You can probably think of a dozen reasons right now why that is a true statement. Of course, everyone would agree that if everyone else were honest, the world would be a much better place in which to live!

But truth about ourselves is sometimes hard to recognize if we’re not accustomed to dealing with it. Many of us have clouded views of ourselves and let our emotions paint false portraits of what we are and what we can become.

It is also easy to be distracted by friends, trends, and fads. Never let what is popular or not popular deceive your thinking and change your course in life. Step back and take time to get to know yourself. Learn what your are truly all about and not what your friends think you should be all about. The sooner you do, the better off you’ll be!

– Jim Lord