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Life Lesson #17: Achieve True Independence

See Also:
Life Lesson #1 – Build a Foundation
Life Lesson #48 – Seek Information
Life Lesson #13 – Education is Important
The Warren Buffett Story


The one thing I believe every young person wants to achieve is independence. But to make yourself truly independent, you must make yourself marketable—make your time worth something.

Of course, when you work for a living, that’s what you do—you sell your time! And it doesn’t make any sense to sell your time for less than you can possibly get. So how do you make your time worth more? Gain knowledge, and learn how to use that knowledge.

Do you know people who spend all their waking hours working just to provide the bare necessities? Why is that? Well, it’s because they didn’t prepare themselves to be marketable when they were young before they were burdened with life’s responsibilities. They didn’t make their time worth more. Remember, knowledge is freedom—freedom from long hours and low pay! Do you want to be independent? Education—that’s independence!

– Jim Lord