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The Charles Dickens Story

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Robert Frost Story.
Life Lesson #23 – Determine Yourself to a Higher Plane.


In the early 1800s, life was very hard for poor people living in England, and that’s just when Charles Dickens was born. Although his father worked hard, he still couldn’t feed his family and pay all of his bills, so he was arrested and sent to prison. Charles was only a young boy when that happened, and he had to go to work in a shoe polish factory to help earn money for his mother and his six brothers and sisters. Later, his family inherited some money, so his father was finally able to pay all of the bills and get out of prison. And Charles was able to go to a good school and get a good education. He knew that education was very important for anyone who did not want to live in poverty.

Charles later became a reporter for several newspapers. He cared a great deal about what happened to people, and he went to work with his writing to help make England a better place for children and adults to live. When he was only 21 years old, his very first story was published. Soon, he became the famous author of several books like Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol.

Even though Charles Dickens became successful and wealthy, he never quit caring about people who were treated unfairly because they were poor or because they had a different color of skin. Charles Dickens wrote and spoke out about the rights of everyone to have an education, safe places to work, opportunity to go to the doctor, and better childhoods. Charles Dickens cared, and because of that, he became a HERO.

– Jim Lord