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Ray and the Science Project

See Also:
Beginning of a FAMOUS Hero: The Robert Frost Story.
Life Lesson #35 – Value Responsibility.


Ray had worked for weeks on his science project. His assignment was to grow sugar crystals. It was a difficult assignment, but Ray was always up to a good challenge. First he studied all about different kinds of sugars. He was so surprised to learn of all the different sources for sugar! He carefully measured everything, and finally he was ready to start the process of crystalizing liquid sugars. His display was perfect, and he was ready to bring it to class.

It was now the big day—the class science fair. Everyone brought their projects. Ray had the best one in the class, but Ray’s friend (who sometimes really wasn’t his friend) had the worst one. He had started his project only the night before because he kept putting it off. When he got to school and saw how good the others were and how bad his was, he became angry. Instead of realizing his own mistake, he quietly poured some water on Ray’s project which completely ruined his sugar crystals!

Just think. If Ray’s friend had done his project the way he should have, he could have come to school feeling good about himself. He could have looked at Ray’s project along with the other projects and said nice things about them which would have made Ray and the others feel even better about themselves! If that had been the path he had chosen, he could have started right there being a HERO instead. You see, that’s where HEROES start—just making the choice HELPING instead of hurting.

– Jim Lord